Rest in Him Ministry

Debbie Roth, aka Beloved, is a survivor: abuse, rape, breast cancer, being married to's been rough! But she has turned her misery into ministry and spreads an encouraging message of hope by singing and speaking at almost any kind of event you can imagine.
The speaking messages are Bible-based and full of good humor and Good News.
The singing is fresh, inspiring, and often makes Dewey bob his head while driving with the windows open.
And now, there's even a book to read! Learn more about Debbie's life and how HOPE has helped her turn misery into ministry.
Find out a whole lot more, like how to get the CDs and book, or how to get Debbie to come to YOUR event (e.g., ladies retreat, banquet, worship service...), by visiting
The speaking messages are Bible-based and full of good humor and Good News.
The singing is fresh, inspiring, and often makes Dewey bob his head while driving with the windows open.
And now, there's even a book to read! Learn more about Debbie's life and how HOPE has helped her turn misery into ministry.
Find out a whole lot more, like how to get the CDs and book, or how to get Debbie to come to YOUR event (e.g., ladies retreat, banquet, worship service...), by visiting